My Process

My process is really an attempt to not have one. To let the image speak for itself. Sometimes it is very simple and other times much more complex. The only real continuity of my work is to enhance or change our perception. Perception is our own personal rainbow, a vision that no one else can exactly see because our place of view is solely our own, therefore our own individual reality.

For the most part, I start with an image that interests me. The captured moment will impose its limitations. These limitations force you to be more creative, finding a more interesting change than the original. Intent…most people try to make their art solely based on intent, and will only consider it finished if the intent is reached or abandoned. I find that intent is necessary for the impetus, but not necessary to finish, and more often than not, better than the original intent. In other words, I always expand outward on making a piece of art, and let “it” tell me when I am done.